Obviously I should have been at home already, but I got seduced by the idea of earning a few extra quids.
Besides, the weather is completely rotten for 4 days already, something which is not normal in the Catalan area of Spain
Although I normally write in Catalan (or French), since lately I speak to many people from the UK.
So this is from them. And also for the Alfa bar here in the Gracia neighbourhood of Barcelona, whose ceiling is my desktop picture in this blogspot.
About 3 months ago I came here, after an interview with a very friendly lady, and I left my "Apple" friends.
No more beers at the chinese bar of Glories, and no more ungrateful customers anxiously waiting for their phones
to be repaired or delivered.
Here the environment is even so multilingual as there. Dutch, french, polish, italian, spanish, people from all around
are here fixing issues for their "compatriots"
This week I am being a nomad in the office. The IT world seems to suffer of the fact that it is the
"little kid with worries" and all the pennies have to be turned around 3 times before spending them.
Yet my desktop got into a windows loop and died.
Now there is a new computer on my desk, but unfortunately it does not have any connection to internet, which is essential
to assist our users.
Meanwhile, my colleagues from Rczezpospolita Polska explain me the difference between -ska (female) and -ski (male)
and they would love to get out of the office for some krakowskis (polish sausages)
When we ask our UK users; "How is the weather in the UK", then most times we get an answer like: It's cold, dull, grey
and it is raining.
These days of November, the song of Guns 'n' Roses could not be more true, and we are having a real antispanish climate, which
possibly is the consequence of 3 months in the summer without any rain.
What else to ask to the british people on the phone? It depends, often I get carried away, which helps me to improve
my accent. It would be great to get to know the UK, to see more than only London. So I associate the cities where the
people live with things that made these places famous.
For example, if a user lives in Guildford, he lives in the city of the Stranglers, and if the user is from Colchester
(claiming to be the oldest city in the UK) then probably they know the Special Duties.
Eventually (as sung by Jimi Hendrix; and so castles made of sand, fall in the sea...) I already begged my manager to
put some pressure on the "casserole" to have my computer fixed, and this little history ends here.
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